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Self-Employed Registration

It will be an obligation upon you as a Business owner to get yourself registered with HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs) as a “SELF-EMPLOYED” entity or person.

You are supposed to register your identity as a Self-Employed Individual for the purpose self-evaluation or “self-assessment” as well for the “National Insurance” of Class two type even in all such instances when you have already finalized and concluded the TAX RETURNS of your company.

There is a compulsion for you to accomplish your registration as a Self-Employed individual as if you are unable to get yourself registered by the due date, October five, in the second TAX YEAR of your business then there will be high probabilities that you might be vulnerable to the certain menace of huge penalties. In order to circumvent all such possibilities of fines and surcharges, you must get yourself registered promptly and on time.

The category of “COMPANY MODEL” that you have opted for your organization will be immensely influencing the mechanism of registration for you as a self-employed entity. You will be operating either as a “Solitary Trader” or in the form of a “LIMITED COMPANY” or as a “PARTNERSHIP”.

By accessing our tailored and imperishable services you will be enabled to make sound decisions and the entire registration process will be made less disconcerting and less daunting.


  • Our staunch and skilled professionals with their allegiance will be generating an account for your company that will serve as a gateway leading to government authorities with accurate details of every aspect of your organization.
  • Subsequently, our team of astute and discerning accountants will be ensuring your registration as a SELF-EMPLOYED person for the sake of PERSONAL TAXATION or Self-Assessment. We will be assisting our clients to select the appropriate option for Tax Scheme or Tax Duty that serves the cause accurately.
  • Our ardent and dexterous accountants with their adroitness will evaluate, detect and discern the best-suited category for your company.
  • Moreover, our skilled and experienced accountants with their expertise will make sure that the exact date when you have initiated your functions as a business owner must be entered and registered with precision in order to maintain an impeccable and well-organized record for Taxation.
  • The cognizance regarding personal details that includes your permanent residential address, the number indicating your National Insurance, information required to contact you as well as the acquaintance about the Model of your Company.
  • We will be ensuring you that the exact nature of work that you are performing as a business owner will be manifested and declared which is imperatively significant for the determination of the way that needs to be pursued for the assertion of tax on your business.
    The selection of the right Category for your business will be beneficial in cases when you intend to reclaim your Tax monies.
  • Our stalwart and fervent accountants will be providing you with the assurance that information will be submitted and entered scrupulously and registration will be rendered with accuracy and appropriation.
  • HMRC will be ensuring the provision of a letter upon receiving the application and this letter will be holding a discrete or eccentric Ten Digit Reference as a “TAXPAYER” which will be utilized inevitably for the payments of your tax monies. This Taxpayer Reference will also be significant for certain other tax forms that you are prone to pay for your company including “Value-Added Tax (VAT)”.