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Independent Examinations

For the maintenance of Social Confidence and Public Trust in the CHARITY based work, the external assessment or Scrutiny of the Charity Accounts must be effectuated as per the obligations of Laws and Legislations related to the work of Charities.

This is not required by the “LAW” or the associated “Governance Documentations” to conduct an Audit upon the provision of a Charity rather “Trustees” will be accountable for selecting a less complicated and less exorbitant pattern of “External assessment or Scrutiny” which will be termed as an “INDEPENDENT EXAMINATION”.


  • Upon making a fair comparison of an “Independent Examination” with an “AUDIT” it will be conspicuous that an Independent Examination is a more plain sailing mechanism of Scrutiny than an AUDIT but it will serve the purpose of assuring certain entities regarding the fact that Charity Accounts have been precisely evaluated and analyzed by an INDEPENDENT Authority or Individual, these entities include;
  1. Funders
  2. Stakeholders
  3. Trustees
  4. Public
  5. Trustees
  • The unique or distinct items or discrepancies that are being identified and revealed must be considered thoroughly and stringent evaluation of the accounts must be executed whilst performing an Independent Examination.
  • It is mandatory and imperative to assure that the public is not dubious about the work related to Charities and tangible social confidence is maintained. For this assurance, “Charity Law” provides and asserts rulings on Trustees regarding Filing, Reporting as well as obligations related to the “External Scrutiny”.
  • The skilled and astute individual with all erudition and allegiance will be conducting an In-Depth “Independent Examination”.
  • The responsibilities of an Examiner will also be including the task of developing cognizance regarding Accounts and evaluating accounts affiliated functionality as well as certain Analytical Expertise.
  • It will be a core duty of the Independent Examiner to ensure the fact that there are no evident marks that are suggesting or pointing towards some actions that have factually performed by the Charity.
  • “Elite-Accountancy” is an organization of diligent, adroit and perspicacious accountancy professionals who work in collaboration or association with their clients in order to execute invincible “Independent Examinations” and will provide sound support and acquaintances to the authorities that are doing charity work, members of the organization and certain other parties who are inclined towards charity work.
  • We will be proffering Independent Examinations of Accounts related to Charity work and the preparation of precise reports keeping the rulings in consideration that are being provided by;




  • We will be assisting you to successfully withstand the threshold of Examination by providing you robust advice in regards to all dimensions of performing the Charity Task with accuracy.
  • Our astute and well-trained team of accountants will provide you a concise review of all the outcomes of the conducted examination for a period of a year and will guide you to rectify any discrepancies and errors that are being identified.
  • “ELITE-ACCOUNTANCY” is a platform for the provision of concrete, imperishable and simplified “Independent Examination” which will comprise of two steps that are;
  • Reviewing the Records related to Accounting that a Charity keeps.
  • Making a comparison of the presented accounts with the records that are being reviewed.
  • Considering and evaluating unique and eccentric items or divulgences that are being detected in the Charity Accounts.