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SORP Accounts

The SORP is the “Statement Of Recommended Practice that provides the principles for the preparation of Annual Accounts and structuring of Financial Reporting for Charity Organizations. The Charities “SORP” is an INTERPRETATION of the generally accepted “Accounting Practice” as well as underlying “Financial Reporting”.

The accountants who are provided with the task of “Accounts Preparation” For Charities will be pursuing the Standards and Regulations that are being presented in “SORP”.

The core objective of the preparation of these Accounts is to render beneficial and substantial cognizance for the purpose of defining the Decisions of the Funders, Stakeholders that are operating externally as well as the Board with all the pivotal aspects related to the process of making these decisions. “Charities” are required to develop and structure these accounts inevitably on Annually Basis.


  • All Charity organizations that are preparing and structuring the Accounts by pursuing the Standards related to “Financial Reporting” applied by the UK legislation, will be bound to follow the “STATEMENT OF RECOMMENDED PRACTICE (SORP)”.
  • The Scrutiny and Assessment of Charity Accounts will be executed by “INDEPENDENT” Examiners, “ACCOUNTANCY” Practitioners, as well as the “CHARITY” Auditors and the SORP (Statement Of Recommended Practice), plays an imperative and significant role in their operational mechanism.
  • The Statement Of Recommended Practice (SORP) is required to be followed on a stringent basis for the preparation and structuring of “Charity Accounts” as per the reasons;
  • “SORP” will be enhancing and improving the “Understandability”, “Relevance” as well as the “Comparability” of the acquaintances and knowledge that has been proffered in the Accounts related to “CHARITY”.
  • “SORP” will be improvising the Financial Reporting mechanisms and strategies that are being performed by CHARITIES.
  • “SORP” will be assisting the individuals who are provided with the responsibility of “Annual Accounts” as well as “Annual Reports” preparation for the Trustees.
  • “SORP” will be providing “Accounting Standard Interpretations”, “Applications Of Interpretations”, “Clarifications” as well as “Explanations” to the CHARITIES in accordance with the peculiar TRANSACTIONS.
  • The “FINANCIAL PEROTING CENTER (FRC)” must have confirmed the Statement that a “SORP” carries.
  • “SORP” will not be holding any Foundational Principles that can be graded as Inadmissible as per the regulatory standards related to “ACTUARIAL” Practices, “REPORTING” Practices” as well as “AUDITING” Practices.


  • Our astute and well-trained in the accountancy based field of “Not-For-Profit Organizations” accountants possess an in-depth cognizance as far as Reporting in accordance with the “SORP STANDARDS” are taken into consideration.
  • We will be ensuring the accomplishment of target related to the swift and prompt Transition to “SORP” and will be providing you with sound suggestions regarding practicing the entire Reporting Methodology as accurate as possible.
  • Our fervent and experienced accountancy experts will be providing their clients robust and infallible services for the “FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CONVERSION” with the fulfillment of Compliance Requirements of SORP along with the brilliant practices related to SORP ACCOUNTS preparation and structuring.


It will be obligatory upon all the CHARITIES to follow the reference that innumerable “Core Modules” of SORP hold in order to prepare and structure “Annual Reports” for Trustees as well “Charity Accounts”.

Certain other Modules will be applied in addition to the CORE MODULES for the sake of supplementation in cases where “CHARITY”;

  • Requires to reveal an ASSET of a particular type or a LIABILITY after identifying and evaluating it, in a specific manner.
  • Commits to initiate a particular type of “TRANSACTION”.
  • Espouses a specific form of legislation or adopts a structure that is being formed in a group.
  • Possesses peculiar INVESTMENTS forms.
  • Our skilled and dedicated accountants will ensure that the “CHARITIES” are identifying all the Recommendations and Suggestions that “SORP” is manifesting which are applicable to the “LIABILITIES”, “TRANSACTIONS” as well as “ASSETS” by referring to the “Modules Index” whilst preparing and structuring their Accounts.